
Good and Bad all in One...

Have you ever had one of those days? Where it begins one way and ends in another? Well, today was that for me! I got up this morning, knowing that I was not going to make it to church, because hubby's sister was coming over, so I wanted to be home, and not miss her visit. I decided to make a nice lunch because we had plans for around dinner time, so I made funeral potatoes, just cheese potatoes that people seem to make for a family after a funeral. Anyways, then I put two loaves of bread in the oven, and lemon bars for dessert, which I have never made before. All to go with hot dogs. Something simple right? ha, ha!
Anyways, got everything started and actually on the way to done, when plans got shifted to a little later, which is perfectly fine, food stayed in the oven a bit longer, no big deal. My sister-in-law arrived with her daughter, and we were having a nice visit, sat down to eat, all is well, then I got up to get something, and low and behold...a fairly good sized spider was sitting in the pan of lemon bars.....oh my goodness...I freaked out! You might think that dessert was ruined, right. Not so, I had actually cut the bars and plated a few before this moment, and set them out on the table, thank goodness, and a huge sigh of relief, but how dare that pesky spider rain on my parade! After lunch and a bit more of a visit, they headed off to visit other friends, and then to travel home tomorrow. We wish her safe travels!
Then, after lunch, we put the little kids down for a bit of a rest until we needed to head out for a graduation party in the afternoon. I even laid down, only to be awoken by another pesky thing...a teenager, wanting permission to call a friend...when has she ever asked my permission to call a friend before? I can't remember. At that moment, the littlest one decided that she was going to awaken, and cry out for Mom, So much for my rest.
Later on, we then piled into the vehicle to head out for a graduation party. Which, I will admit, it was nice to see some of them that I haven't seen in a while! Everyone got a piece of cake, of which I finished 1/2 of one that was leftover. Then, the little kids got to play on the swing set and have fun with other, only for our 4 y/o old to come in abruptly and ask when we were going home...it seems that she had had an accident, and was truly embarassed. You see, we were at a strange place, and she didn't know where to go our who to ask...we felt so bad for her, and left soon after.
Now, after an eventful day, I sit here, hunched over the keyboard of my computer, in extreme discomfort and pain, wanting, no needing to go to bed after taking a very large pain pill, but I am wide awake. So, despite being wide awake, I will sign off, take a pain pill, and force myself to lie down, and wait for the meds to kick in and hopefully bring relief, as tomorrow is a new day, and I still have dirty dished to do, plus an extra load of laundry.
Oh, the Joys of Being a MOM!

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