
To Catch Up Would Be Devine!

Yeah right! Which thing do I need to catch up with FIRST? Laundry, Dishes, Hugs, Kisses, Dusting, Gardening, more hugs, more kisses...
When you get behind in something, is it ever possible to truly catch up? I don't think so, because the extra time you spend catching up means that something else is being neglected...who knows for sure?
As for yesterday, speaking of catching up...I made the infamous breakfast sandwiches, with eggs, cheese and bacon. Yum! My teenager even woke up and was half coherent to come out and eat with me and the little girls. Poor hubby missed out, he had to head off to work before they were finished...so sad. Then, my same teenager went back to be until 2 p.m. What is up with that? I let her do that, that once, as she just finished her year of school on Friday, but no more. I figure if the rest of us are up and around she needs to be too! Plus, she should be starting her job this coming week, so she needs to be "awake, alert and alive" for that, don't you think?
As for today, we will be having breakfast for dinner! I love that, I really do! French toast and scrambled eggs with cheese, is what I am thinking...Breakfast anytime, as long as family is together is perfect! Have a wonderful day all!

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